OpenCart has a 'language' folder to support multi-language on your web store. To translate our extensions for your multi-language store, do perform the following steps:
1. Check if our extension has language files. If there is, perform the following. Else, skip to point 2 below.
a) Copy the files from the english folder to your language folder.
> e.g. Copy files from catalog/language/english/quickcheckout to catalog/language/chinese/quickcheckout)
b) Open up the files to translate the texts.
> e.g.
$_['text_hello'] = 'Hello';
translates to
$_['text_hello'] = '您好';
2. If the extension does not have a language file, perform the following.
a) Open up the vqmod script which is located in the vqmod/xml folder.
b) Find all the language blocks in the file. Copy the language blocks accordingly, and translate the text
> e.g. Find
<file name="catalog/language/english/product/product.php"> ... </file>
and make multiple copies of the codes for each language you have, then translate accordingly.
<file name="catalog/language/english/product/product.php"> ... </file>
<file name="catalog/language/chinese/product/product.php"> ... </file>
<file name="catalog/language/spanish/product/product.php"> ... </file>
If you are having further issues translating our extension, feel free to open a support ticket with us.
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